Branding, illustration,
and design.


branding / packaging / illustration
Daye is a wellness company on a mission to close the gender pain gap, and to shine a light on under-studied, under-funded, and under-appreciated women’s health issues. Second Marriage has worked with Daye since their inception to create an identity and design system that reflects both the history they’re building on and the future they’re creating.

Portraits by Katie McCurdy. Packaging photos by Rowa Lee.


Besties is a brand crafted for teenagers taking their first steps into skincare. Bursting with playful energy, Besties' goal is to make skincare accessible and fun. Second Marriage designed the logo, brand identity, and packaging, complete with lively illustrated characters. The result? A skincare experience that’s delightful, engaging, and perfectly tailored for its young, fun-loving audience.


branding / illustration / Collateral
Star/Child is an astrology app for parents and children, offering daily insights, personalized guidance, and customized strategies for forging deeper connections between caregiver and kid. Second Marriage was brought on in the earliest stage of the project to create a brand style that’s trustworthy, aspirational, and – maybe most importantly – fun. With the help of digital designer Isla Murray, photographer Emma Tunbridge, and collage artist Mike Germon, we built out a brand that feels solid but playful, and subtly incorporates the mystical edge of astrology without losing credibility.  


@hotel is a travel booking company that offers deep discounts and best-in-class customer service. Second Marriage was tasked with rebranding the company to appeal to millenial women while building trust and attracting attention. We created a new @ sign to represents the travel and exploration side of the brand – it’s looping lines represent movement, twists and turns, maybe even taking the long way to see more – and paired this with a solid, dependable sans serif wordmark. A window and door motif reminds the viewer of crossing new thresholds and at the same time creates a flexible and easy-to-use graphic system.